While I'm logged in, I guess I'll give you a quick peek into my life at the moment. In about three weeks, I'll be wrapping up my second semester at MHGS. To be completely honest, I'm more than a little bit behind right now. I never could get into a rhythm with studying this semester. I still have hope that I can finish all of my papers, but I'm not sure what that is going to mean for my sleep schedule. Be kind to me if you see me or talk to me before the end of April ... I know better than to promise I'll be in a nice mood.
Aside from school, work has really picked up. I've been doing security assessments for True Digital Security in Tulsa for a few weeks now. We're wrapping up an assessment in the next week, and I have a lot to do on the analysis and reporting end of things. I've also been contracting for my stepfather's company in Oklahoma City. After I wrap up this post, I need to get cracking on the slides for a briefing I'm giving at a telecommunications conference in May. The difficult part of both jobs is that neither is extremely exciting from a technical perspective, and it's tough to get back into the technical mindset after months of learning to think like a counselor. I have been grateful for the income. The lack of income early in the semester was slightly stressful with my mortgage payments.
An update on the house ... It's still on the market, but hopefully not for long. I have dropped the price significantly since I put it on the market last June, and the last adjustment has definitely had an impact. I'm getting email notifications of showings on a daily basis. My realtor was also called about a potential contract last week. We expected to have it in hand by now, but the buyers seem to be taking their time. I'm still hopeful since they haven't contacted him to say that they changed their minds.
Hopefully I'll post my #2 pre-30 goal soon. For now I will say that #2 is about my writing and what I'd like to accomplish in the next couple of years.
By the way...love that you are actually blogging these days. :)
Take some time and breathe a little. The end of a term is always tough. Glad to hear that our house is possibly on the move. While I know that your blog is a good place to write for a public forum - remember that you have to write for yourself first. You will be asked to or want to share soon enough. Remember that as you start out, you need to be a little selfish.
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